TD Jakes and the Earring Mystery. - Independent Conservative (2024)

I was not going to say anything about the wedding of TD Jakes’ daughter and in that regard I’ll only say I wish her the best in her marriage.

The only reason I’m making a post about this at all is because it appears there might be a big time cover-up in progress that is best exposed. I mean when I first heard Jakes had an earring on at his daughter’s wedding, I was not “floored” because I know TD Jakes is a false teacher who is too cozy with hom*osexuals anyway. And so I was not going to make any posts about it at all. Because it just seemed, typical. I also was not going to make any post, because I’m not trying to drag Jakes’ daughter into her daddy’s mess, I wish her the best in her new marriage. But it seems there might be a cover-up at work that is only involving TD Jakes (not the kid) and that needs to be exposed. So check out the video below.


And for the record, I don’t know Malani Kai from Eve and just stumbled upon this video she made. Because I noticed there are differing pictures out there and I was trying to figure out what was up.

I’ve heard people saw Jakes with an earring in Entertainment Tonight footage. So that lends credibility to what Malani Kai is saying. Erngeo told me people were telling him about the earring and Entertainment Tonight footage.

The Entertainment Tonight footage was on a video sharing web site, but was pulled.

And it appears Essence magazine had an “official” photo that has changed on their web site. Oddly, most of the pictures on have the “ESSENCE” watermark clearly visible, EXCEPT a few that would show any jewelery in Jakes’ left earlobe. All the Sarah Jakes’ wedding pictures have their watermark except the few that would show Jakes’ left earlobe. It smells really dirty and looks to me like Jakes is running a cover-up to keep up “appearances”.

  • KyleAndrews Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 3:24 am

    What’s the big deal about having an earing? As you know I dissagree with the Pimps 100% but men have been wearing earings for some time now.


  • alady1969 Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 8:18 am

    I saw the original pictures and not only did Jake have an earing so did the groom. There was a shot of the groom crying at the alter that showed he was wearing an earing as well. I remember when JHB of Empowerment Temple use to wear an earing. Am sure if his so-called spiritual father starts that up again, they will all jump back on the band wagen.

  • IndependentConservative Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 1:18 pm

    What’s wrong with men who CLAIM TO FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST wearing earrings? That’s the real question to ask.

    Just because the culture of the world has men that look like Todd Bentley does not mean it’s fitting for men who are trying to display a more righteous standard.

    This is something that you’d expect someone to better understand as they walk with Christ over time, being sanctified. I don’t expect a new convert to understand it. But in time one who is not trying to remain conformed to the world is not going to try and look like the world, men wearing earrings is one example.

    And as I’ve noted in the post, it was not even that he in my opinion obviously wore it, that promoted me to make the post. Because I don’t see him as a true holder of a church leadership position, but a false teacher. What promoted me is what is an apparent cover-up, to portray a certain image to Christians that questioned it.

    No church leaders who are supposed to be the example for the saints have any business with women’s jewelry in their ears. And even if you don’t see it as something that is for a woman (which it is) it’s still not something fitting a godly standard of modesty and it only conforms to the world’s image.

  • IndependentConservative Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 1:23 pm

    The pictures still show the groom with his earring. But here’s the difference between Jakes and the groom:

    1. The groom is a young guy, if he’s the Lord’s he’ll learn better in time.

    2. The groom makes no claims of church leadership.

    3. I don’t know much about the groom at all or what he claims to be other than a college football player.

    So I’m not going to say anything about the groom. I wish him and his new bride the best. And pray they come to know Christ in truth if they are not saved and if they already know the Lord in truth, that their walk with Him increase.

  • IndependentConservative Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 1:32 pm

    And if anybody brings up how in OT scripture some men wore earrings, I’ll have to point out how they also wore attire that resembled a dress (robes really), women and men.

    This is an issue of cultural norms and not being conformed to a worldly image of vanity and trying to draw attention to yourself or looking “cute”. And in our culture the ear gear is fitting women. On a man it’s not a display of modesty at all, even if you say it’s OK for men to wear them.

  • sunkissd1223 Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 4:00 pm

    i noticed the picture without the earring on his website. then i found the entertainment tonight clip. why did he feel the need to cover up? did he forget to take it out? this topic is sad to me

  • IndependentConservative Says:
    June 29th, 2008 at 4:06 pm

    The old Watergate line “It’s not the crime; it’s the cover-up” comes to mind!

  • stan Says:
    June 30th, 2008 at 8:23 am

    I attended the wedding of a friend’s daughter on Saturday. It was officiated by the local Methodist pastor. Oddly enough, neither he nor the bride’s Christian father wore an earring. Now, I’m annoyed that such a well-planned affair lacked this touch of modern Christian sensibility. Correction: “Modern Christian sensitivity.”

    Hey. I just realized that there’s hope for those in their church who did not attend the wedding. If I send some of the wedding pictures to Jakes’ people, will they airbrush some earrings in for them? They seem to have the proper staff for that. I don’t want the that old-school Methodist church embarrassed by thinking their pastor is not “with it.” While they’re at it, do you think they could airbrush a tattoo onto the pastor’s forehead? That would be cool. I was thinking: a really good bible verse, surrounded by flames and spikes. Nothing garish.

  • IndependentConservative Says:
    June 30th, 2008 at 9:41 am


  • SunnyDallas Says:
    June 30th, 2008 at 11:18 am

    This whole thing is really Stupid!!! He obviously does not have smart PR people around him or he just doesn’t listen. This issue has spun out of control all because of this unnecessary Cover-Up. Wearing the earring to this highly publicized event wasn’t the smartest thing, However, trying to cover it up was by far the stupidest thing they could have ever done. Bishop Jakes and or his camp should have left the images as is. How could he possibly think he could have someone edit the photos and expect people not to notice. This is 2008, Give Me A Break!

  • DL Foster Says:
    June 30th, 2008 at 1:10 pm

    IC, there’s something going on here much more than the mystery of the missing earring. I find it odd that a man at 51 would start wearing studs in his ear. Is this midlife spiritual crisis? Is he “repositioning” himself yet once again? Its strange,every step he takes seems to be further and further away from an orthodox view of scripture. Especially with issues of sexuality, Jakes’ theology is virtual pig slop. i.e. soulforce collusion.

    In an of itself an earring may/may not mean anything. But given all that TD has been doing in terms of “repositioning” himself, it is a telling sign. The “coverup” is also significant. Not on his part. I think he intended to be seen in the earring, but some of his advisors may have disagreed (pr issues?) thus the airbrushing of the photo.

    The question is what is going on in the life of TD Jakes? And where is that leading him theologically? And how much of an impact will this have on the Body of Christ?

    Jakes is saying something with this earring. What it is, we dont know. On a man of lesser reknown, it goes unnoticed but is the “black Billy Graham” making a statement? To who and what for?

    Thanks for posting this. Many people are wondering what is happening with TD Jakes.

  • speakingtruth Says:
    June 30th, 2008 at 5:00 pm

    Good point Pastor Foster – remember, Cartlon “The Heretic Pearson started wearing an ear ring AFTER he started spewing the inclusion heresy (and AFTER gay “bishop” Yvette Flounders washed his feet).

    It is a bit odd that old TD is doing this now…after he threw his arms open to the reprobates at Soulforce…

  • stan Says:
    June 30th, 2008 at 8:49 pm

    These are examples of why we are to stay alert at all times. We need to understand the times we are in and act and pray accordingly. We need to avoid any ministry that does not hold to sound doctrine, for the sake of our souls and those we have been given to protect. God will supply for our spiritual and all other needs as they arise in this age.

    Come Lord Jesus! Until then, look after the welfare, the quietness and tranquility of your people so that they may live godly and honest lives, being productive in their business and in the work of God – all by Your kind grace.

  • GaryV Says:
    June 30th, 2008 at 8:50 pm

    SHoot IC, ya beat me to it LOL!! I just posted this over a PP.Org a few hours ago.

    Gotta get up pretty early to scoop IC!!

  • IndependentConservative Says:
    June 30th, 2008 at 9:36 pm

    If Melvin will have a post about this on his blog too, that would be a good thing. This is something Jakes certainly wants to keep as quite as possible and I’m sure he wants as few blogs as possible to mention it.

    And in regards to Christian maturity, although Jakes happens to be a false teacher, there are saints that need to know how men growing in the Lord are to move towards modesty rather than “bling”.

  • Responding Says:
    July 1st, 2008 at 8:14 pm

    Very sad to me too. I was a long time/good standing member and laity clergy until last fall.Many,many things were questionable as we wondered why things went on without being rebuked or challenged and inside we knew then what we know now:it goes on through the other pastors/elders simply because it goes on in the head-Bishop. Kyle Andrews,men have worn earrings, the thing we’re most concerned about is that symbolically it stands for “pimp,player,worldly,cool” etc and since he’s a leader,others will follow.There has to be something on the inside driving him to display this on the outside;he’s also being linked with Gay movement,his son is gay;he used to preach strongly/clearly against it for years but,like other things,he’s becoming really flimsy;there’s less and less preaching on holiness,hell,Holy Ghost,not conforming to the world,etc.Also he put Dr.Phil in the pulpit!DrPhil is FOR hom*osexuality.I was outraged and didn’t go to church that day.See where its headed?Dr Phil has never said anything on his show that endorses Christianity-suddenly he’s a Christian?Bishop has been on his show numerous times;this is leading people in to major confusion cause they can’t tell the difference between talk show hosts/counselor and holy men/women of God who are to speak the oracles of God, cast out devils and bring about change.I feel the Spirit of God all over me.So if an earring is okay in the Bishops ear,others will reason its okay on the belly button, lip,etc His spiritual son Derick Faison wears one IN CHURCH!!!I met with him in his office last year and was shocked when I saw it – like father, like son. Disgusted,disheartened in Dallas.

  • alady1969 Says:
    July 9th, 2008 at 3:41 pm

    Here’s a link of all 314 picture which include the earing

  • alady1969 Says:
    July 9th, 2008 at 3:41 pm


  • stan Says:
    July 9th, 2008 at 5:35 pm

    Dear alady, That link seems to be to your own hard drive, not to the internet.


  • SteelGator Says:
    July 10th, 2008 at 12:20 pm

    I heard they are changing the name of the church from Potter’s House to Players House. Any truth to this rumor?????

  • csydjn Says:
    October 31st, 2008 at 6:27 pm

    Gossip, Gossip, and More Gossip. All of this energy is being used to criminalize a man for something that is between him and the Lord! Is he without sin? NO! Are you? Absolutely not. Do you have to listen to him? NO! You have free will to choose where you will go to church, listen to whomever you like, and take from it what the Lord has provided for YOU! Have any of the posters thought about praying for this man in General. Jesus is still in the business of answering prayers benifiting the growth of His kingdom.

    Let He who is without sin cast the first stone. If the Lord will deliver a harlot in Person, don’t you think he can handle an ear ring? DO NOT Question the power of GOD!

  • djenk23 Says:
    October 31st, 2008 at 8:18 pm

    did you even read the post???….this post is talking about TD Jakes getting his earring airbrushed out his daughters wedding pictures…if he didnt feel like anything was wrong with the earring, he should have just left the pic the way it was…in getting the earring airbrushed out of the pic, he is pandering to his more conservative followers…..

  • IndependentConservative Says:
    October 31st, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    csydjn, You said:

    Gossip, Gossip, and More Gossip.

    The picture was posted publicly and altered publicly. So it’s not some “gossip” but proof, that Jakes puts up a front.

    All of this energy is being used to criminalize a man for something that is between him and the Lord!

    He claims to be a pastor, so he is to be an example for his flock. He’s shown a bad example, so it’s a matter that impacts MANY. Some claim he is something like “America’s pastor”, which means pretty much a whole nation has good reason to consider when he puts up false fronts.

    Is he without sin? NO! Are you? Absolutely not.

    Is he posing as a church elder? Yes. Am I? absolutely not. And still, I don’t go around altering pictures of myself, to make people see me as someone who looked one way at an event, when I actually looked different. In fact, I don’t go around parading pictures of my face all over my web site and such. There’s a message for you about TD Jakes in Matthew 23. Lord willing you’ll find it.

    Do you have to listen to him? NO! You have free will to choose where you will go to church, listen to whomever you like, and take from it what the Lord has provided for YOU!

    I also have a mandate from God, to expose the the viper named TD Jakes, Ephesians 5:11-12.

    Have any of the posters thought about praying for this man in General. Jesus is still in the business of answering prayers benifiting the growth of His kingdom.

    Whatever anyone does here in regards to prayer is for their closet and not a matter they need to report to you, Matthew 6:5-6.

    Let He who is without sin cast the first stone.

    When someone here attempts to stone Jakes to death, please call the police.

    If the Lord will deliver a harlot in Person, don’t you think he can handle an ear ring?

    You speak as if saints are not to warn fellow saints of men engaged in evil things. I’ve already shown you I have foundation for my actions in speaking about the matter. Did you actually take the time to read the other material I’ve provided for you, to recognize TD Jakes is a false teaching covetous viper? Well I’ll provide it for you again now, plus one more.

    The Sacrilege of T.D. Jakes.

    TD Jakes, Giving Reprobates a Seat at His Table.

    TD Jakes and Joel Osteen Enrich Themselves in Jesus’ Name (Video)

    DO NOT Question the power of GOD!

    Are you saying Jakes wearing an earring has something to do with the power of God? Since I should not question the power of God, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing, because God has informed me to warn of vipers like Jakes in His Word.

  • nowhereman2691 Says:
    June 4th, 2009 at 10:42 pm

    Honestly, I think you people are making a big deal out of something so stupid and insignificant. I think anybody can be a true follower of Jesus Christ whether they have earrings or not. God doesn’t care about how you look like in the outside, he cares about who you are in the inside. For years, we Christians have had it pounded into our heads that guy earrings “are bad.” But in reality, time and time again, guy earrings prove nothing more than being harmless to men. Guy earrings allot young men the opportunity to obtain a new way to express themselves, improve their appearance, and conform to the newly accepted morals of society. I understand that earrings on guys are often misinterpreted as signs of rebellion or maybe even hom*osexuality, but nowadays, earrings are just simply earrings. No big deal. Just a simple fashion accessory. It wasn’t more than half a century ago when guys who had earrings was something considered taboo in society. Gradually, topics dealing with those matters that were never seen in everyday situations eased their way in. I’m simply implying that sure, back in the days it was frowned upon because of tradition and nurture but in our new society, it should just be accepted. I have no idea who Tod Bentley or Jake are, but I did not get an earring because someone famous or a friend of mine did. I did it because it adds on to my style and I think it looks good on me. You display righteous standards by your actions and words, not appearance. I’ve been a Christian for a long time now and everyday I learn something new as I walk with Christ over time. Having an earring has not stopped me from loving Jesus. I also want to add that by wearing an earring I am not conforming to the world nor looking like the world, it’s just a new way for me to express myself. This is the same thing as getting a haircut, buying new clothes, new shoes, or new accessories, they just add to your style and personality. It is hypocritical to shun upon wearing an earring while everyone else is permitted to go to the mall and get a manicure, a pedicure, a haircut, or new clothing. I hope someone agrees with me because my statements are not irrational, they are based on reason.

  • IndependentConservative Says:
    June 5th, 2009 at 8:43 am

    Your statements are based on you having one an wanting to justify it as good because you’ve got one.

    Now consider the Word of God.

    1 Timothy 2:8-10 (New American Standard Bible)

    8 Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and dissension.
    9 Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments,
    10 but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.

    Meanwhile, you come here trying to defend trying to promote fashion. Haircuts prevent waste and bugs from living in your hair, it has a useful purpose. Getting new clothes when the old are worn out keeps you from freezing when outside and keeps you from showing “private personal parts”. Getting nails trimmed keeps you from cutting yourself or someone else with excessively long nails. A manicure or pedicure can help to prevent hang nails, big dry bleeding cuticles, painful corns and such. The only purpose an earring has is to say LOOK AT ME WORLD I’VE GOT FLASHY IN MY EAR.

    And we’re not talking about any person, but someone who is supposed to be in the role of a church elder. Not that I view him as such, but he claims to be such. And so I take you a few verses further in the Word of God.

    1 Timothy 3:2-3 (New American Standard Bible)

    2 An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,

    3 not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle, peaceable, free from the love of money.

    Claiming to be a church elder, Jakes is the LAST person in the church who should be doing anything that might be seen as not being totally above reproach. If there are sinners who see an earring as something for women or bad people, an elder does nothing to promote Christ in wearing fashion accessories that are of questionable origin and leave even some sinners asking questions.

    Notice my foundation for my point, the Word of God. Versus your foundation for yours, fashion and society.

  • TD Jakes and the Earring Mystery. - Independent Conservative (2024)
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