Orbic Wonder Troubleshooting (2024)

Orbic Wonder is Not Charging

Phone does not light up the screen or indicator light when plugged in.

The Wall Socket is Broken

Try plugging in another device to the wall socket you are using to see if other devices will charge.

Faulty Charging Cable

If possible, try a different USB Type-C cable and power adapter to charge the phone. Plug in the phone with the new cable and adapter and check for either a red indicator light (above the screen and to the left of the earpiece) or wait for the screen to light up. Keep the phone plugged in for 10 minutes and if there is still no indicator light or the screen still does not turn on, the phone is not charging.

Malfunctioning Charging Brick

If possible, try a different charging brick that has a USB Type-C cable. Plug the charging brick into the wall socket and then plug the Type-C cable into your phone. If the screen or indicator light does not come on after 10 minutes, the phone is not charging.

The Battery is Dead

The battery may be unable to charge and will need to be replaced.

No Sound Comes From the Speaker

Orbic Wonder is on, but you are not hearing sound from the speaker.

The Phone Has Low Volume

The phone’s volume may be turned down all the way or may be muted. Press the volume rocker on the right side of the device in any direction. This will bring up an overlay on the screen displaying the phone’s current volume. There will also be a downward facing arrow that you can press on the screen, this will open a sub-menu where you can adjust the system volume, media volume, and notification volume by dragging the sliders. The volume may be low enough where it cannot be heard over external noises.

The Phone Has Water Damage

If your phone has been exposed to too much moisture or dropped in water, you may have water damage to the speaker.

The Speaker Has Debris in it

If the sound is muffled even at high volumes, you may have some dirt and/or debris in the speaker. You can use compressed air to gently blow out any dirt or debris in the speaker grill located on the underside of the phone to the left and right of the charging port.

The Media Being Played Has No Sound

If you are playing media on your device and no sound is coming out, try to play media from another source on the phone. If sound starts playing, the original source may not have had sound to it.

Headphones Plugged in

If headphones or another device are plugged in to the headphone jack, you will not hear any noise from the phone’s speaker. Unplug the headphones or other device from the Orbic Wonder’s headphone jack, and the sound should start playing through the phone’s speaker. You may need to press play on the media you are listening to after unplugging devices as it may be paused.

The Speaker is Broken

The speaker in the phone may not be working properly. Attempt to restart the device by holding down the power button located on the right side for approximately 3 seconds. This will bring up a menu where you can select “Reboot.” Once the phone has rebooted, attempt to play media again. If the speaker is still not producing the sound, you may need to replace the speaker.

The Power Button is Unresponsive

The power button cannot be used to activate or turn the phone on/off.

Phone Battery is Dead

Attempt to charge the phone. If the phone is dead, the phone should regain charge from being plugged in and the power button should regain functionality.

Power Button is Stuck

Check and see if the button is positioned correctly. If the button is slanted, or permanently depressed, it may be stuck. The button is either not setting correctly in its slot, or there may potentially be debris lodged behind or next to the button. To solve this, first examine the phone to see if the issue is easily identifiable. If this is not the case, either disassemble the phone yourself, or take it to a retailer to replace the button.

The Button is Broken

The button sensor may be malfunctioning, in which case it will need to be replaced.

The Screen is Unresponsive

The screen is black and/or unresponsive to button inputs by the user.

Screen is Black and/or Frozen

Attempt to restart the phone using the power button. If the restart is unsuccessful, attempt to soft reset the phone (see link). If soft reset is unsuccessful, a factory reset may be necessary (see link).

Screen is Cracked

There may be a significant crack in the screen, preventing the phone from functioning properly. To remedy this, a screen protector, although acting retroactively, may be able to hold the screen together and prevent further cracking. If this is not successful, you may need to replace the device’s screen.

There is a dead pixel(s)

If there are dead pixels (tiny black dots on screen) the phone cannot distribute power equally to all the pixels. This is a manufacturer issue and the only remedy for this solution is to send the phone back to the manufacturer and request a new phone.

Battery Dies Fast and/or Charges Slowly

The battery lasts 5 hours or less with or without phone usage.

Poor Battery Capacity and Poor Battery Quality

The Orbic Wonder only has a 3000 mAh battery, consequently, it cannot run for long periods of time without charge. (See link)

Water or Dirt in the Battery

If there is water or dirt affecting the battery, you will need to first check the charging port for debris or liquid. If there are foreign substances in there, begin by cleaning the port. If the problem persists, disassemble the phone and see if there is a foreign substance within the phone compartments. Remove any water or dirt you find.

Poor Signal

If you have a poor signal, the battery will be consumed at a faster rate while attempting to locate a cell signal. Try using the phone in areas with a better signal, to see if this improves the overall life day to day.

Too Many Running Applications

Using several applications at one time will greatly influence the battery performance. After you are done using an app, ensure that it is closed. If the app remains running in the background, it will continue to drain the battery.

Orbic Wonder Troubleshooting (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.