How Bad Is It Really to Use Expired Makeup? | (2024)

How Bad Is It Really to Use Expired Makeup? | (1)

That eyeshadow palette you use once a year is fine...right?

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Makeup has been around for thousands of years. It's a form of self expression, and it can boost your confidence. But while it's fun to use, there are also some hard-and-fast rules around it.


For example, you should never share makeup with others, as this could lead to an infection. You should also avoid sleeping in makeup and exercising while wearing it because both could cause breakouts.

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Still, the question remains: How important are makeup expiration dates, and is it "bad" to use old makeup?

Here, we spoke to dermatologists to understand how long makeup lasts and whether it's bad to use expired makeup.

Does Makeup Expire?

Yes, makeup expires. Expiration dates aren't usually as easy to find as those on food products and over-the-counter medicine, but makeup doesn't last forever.

Some cosmetics have printed expiration dates on them, so you know when your makeup will go bad. Typically that includes the month and year, but not all will have specific dates listed.


Michele Farber, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist with Schweiger Dermatology Group in Philadelphia, says to look for an icon with a number in it next to the letter M.

"Makeup products have an image of a jar that signals the number of months that a product is good for once it's opened," she says.

For example, 12M indicates you have a year to use up the product once you open it. This is known as the Period After Opening (POA) symbol.


If your product doesn't have this label or if you lost track of how many months have passed, there are some other signs that makeup has spoiled. Simply put your senses to good use.

"If the makeup changes color or has a foul odor, it is likely expired and should not be used," explains Marisa Garshick, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City.


You can also look for textural changes, such as separation and changes in consistency.


The rate at which makeup expires varies depending on the product, but products generally last for a few months to a few years. Creamy or liquid makeup tends to expire faster than dry or powdery makeup, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Risks of Using Expired Makeup

You may be tempted to use expired makeup, but dermatologists warn against this. While makeup is expensive to replace, it's better to throw out cosmetics that are past their prime for a number of reasons.

"If makeup has expired, it often means that the preservatives used to help prevent overgrowth of bacteria may no longer be as effective," Dr. Garshick says. "This may contribute to skin issues like infections, irritation and acne."

1. Irritation

Expired makeup is a breeding ground for bacteria and mold — especially products that come in contact with your skin, such as concealer wands or pots you dip your fingers in.


The rapid growth of bacteria along with the buildup of moisture that invites mold could lead to skin redness and irritation, according to the Mayo Clinic Health System.

Skin inflammation can also accompany irritation caused by using expired cosmetics, Dr. Garshick adds. For this, your dermatologist may recommend gentle skin care and moisturizing, or they may sometimes prescribe a topical steroid to bring down the inflammation, she says.


2. Infection

"The biggest concern when using expired makeup is causing skin infections," Dr. Farber explains. "Water-based cosmetics, such as foundation, can provide a medium for bacteria to grow."


Expired makeup could lead to skin infections like staph infections, impetigo and folliculitis, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).

The treatment for skin infections caused by expired makeup depends on the type of infection, but topical and oral antibiotics may be needed.

Eye infections are also a concern because many makeup products are used around the eye area, such as mascara and eyeliner. Using expired eye makeup products can increase the risk of eye infections like pink eye. While some cases of pink eye go away on their own, antibiotics or ointments may be needed, per Stanford Health Care.

3. Allergic Reactions

If you're prone to allergic reactions, stay on top of your makeup's expiration. Over time, the chemical composition of makeup can change, notes Brendan Camp, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City. This can lead to allergic reactions like rashes or contact dermatitis, he says.

"Allergic reactions may present with redness, itchiness, swelling or scaly patches," Dr. Camp says.

To soothe symptoms, your dermatologist may prescribe steroids, corticosteroids or antihistamines, according to the National Eczema Association.

4. Acne

Bacteria is a common cause of acne. When bacteria grows in old makeup, it could cause or worsen acne, Dr. Farber says. Acne-causing bacteria can stick to makeup, notes the AAD, making matters worse.

Once you stop using bacteria-laden makeup, your acne may clear up. To help speed up the process, use active ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or adapalene, as recommended by the AAD.


5. Styes

Using eye makeup products like eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner can lead to eye problems if those products are expired or old, per the Mayo Clinic.

"When used around the eye, expired makeup may also contribute to styes," Dr. Garshick says. (Styes are red bumps on the eyelid that are often painful and filled with pus.)

To prevent both eye infections like pink eye and styes around the eyes, it's important to replace your eye makeup regularly. For these reasons, eye makeup expires faster than other products.

If you develop a stye, you can typically treat it at home. Apply a warm (not hot!) compress for about 10 minutes several times a day, notes the Mayo Clinic. You can also try gently massaging the area to help loosen the clog.

If symptoms persist after 48 hours, your doctor may recommend something stronger. You should also see a doctor if the stye is causing significant swelling or if you develop a fever or vision changes.

When to See a Dermatologist

Any side effects from using expired makeup products warrants a trip to see your doctor or dermatologist.

"If skin irritation or sensitivity occurs after using a product, it's recommended to seek the advice of a board-certified dermatologist who can help you determine the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment," say Dr. Camp.

Some treatments are only available with a prescription from a doctor, so you shouldn't wait to be seen. Antibiotics to treat infections and prescription-strength steroids to reduce irritation, for example, aren't available over the counter.

Unknown causes of rashes or acne are also reasons to see your dermatologist, Dr. Garshick says. They can get to the root cause and determine the best treatment. It may be as simple as throwing out your old, expired makeup, but you might also need a health care professional's help resolving your symptoms.



How Bad Is It Really to Use Expired Makeup? | (2024)


How Bad Is It Really to Use Expired Makeup? | ›

Your old makeup may cause a breakout or worse—dermatologists warn it could lead to a dangerous infection. Holding on to makeup products past their prime could expose you to harmful toxins that may harbor bacteria.

How bad is it to use expired makeup? ›

Risks are associated with using expired makeup including, clogged pores and bacterial growth. It's important to be mindful of how long your makeup has been in storage so you can avoid these potential health hazards. Your skin may react to product ingredients if they have reached their expiration date.

Can I use 5 year old makeup? ›

So, is it ever okay to continue using products after their expiration date? Proceed at your own risk as doing so can increase your chances of developing skin sensitivities, breakouts, irritation, or even infections. Most experts agree that no cosmetic product should be used after three years from opening.

Can I use 10 year old eyeshadow? ›

The time from opening to when eyeshadows expire is 12 months but if left unopened, you have a full three years to hang onto them. This is because eyeshadow palettes are generally made with powder formulas. Therefore, they don't harbor as much bacteria as other, liquid makeup products.

Do you really need to throw out makeup? ›

Every cosmetic product has a shelf-life because their preservatives can't last forever. Many products include a printed expiry date, but some don't. “Even though a product might look, smell and apply okay, you're not testing the bacterial load microscopically,” Dr. Aigen says.

Can I use makeup from years ago? ›

If the product is a natural makeup formulation without a strong preservative, it may also go bad, even if sealed. All preservatives in makeup do break down over time, even if the product is unopened, so you should never keep any product for more than 3 years.

Can you use expired makeup if it hasn't been opened? ›

Makeup that hasn't been used yet but is past its labeled expiration date likely just won't work as well. It can dry out or otherwise change in consistency, color or smell, and components of the makeup can separate. If the makeup has been opened and used, though, it can harbor harmful bacteria.

Can I use 10 year old foundation? ›

Foundation. With the exception of powder formulas, foundations are water-based, which means bacteria love them. Unopened, foundation can last for a couple of years, but once the seal is broken, Hammer says, it's best to replace it after six to 12 months.

Can I use eyeshadow that is 5 years old? ›

If in doubt, throw it out. Provided your products are within date, in a decent condition and sanitized (you can buy makeup sanitizing spray), you might want to pass products on to friends and family. Organizations like Terracycle help to recycle hard-to-process beauty packaging.

What to do with expired makeup products? ›

Expired makeup can be used for a variety of creative projects. Here are some ideas: Make DIY lip balm or lipstick - Combine expired lipsticks and lip balms with a carrier oil like coconut oil, and melt them together. Allow the mixture to cool and pour it into a container for a homemade lip balm or lipstick.

Does lotion expire? ›

Once you open a bottle of lotion, the clock starts ticking

Unopened lotions will often last two to three years when stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Once a lotion is opened, its shelf life shortens significantly, usually lasting six months to a year.

How long is unopened makeup good for? ›

When should I throw out makeup? It is a good idea to throw out makeup products that you have had for over 2 years. In general, liquid and cream products will last anywhere from 6 months to 12 months, while powder products will last for a couple years, sometimes even longer if stored correctly.

Can expired lipstick be used? ›

Using expired lipstick can potentially cause harm to your lips. As lipstick ages, it can become dry, crumbly, and less pigmented. This can lead to irritation, chapped lips, and even infections. Additionally, expired lipstick may harbor bacteria and mold, which can also cause health issues.

Can you use 10 year old lipstick? ›

All lipsticks have a shelf life of 2 years. If yours is more than 2 years old, then it's time to throw it into the bin. You see, using an expired lipstick can cause irritation and inflammation on the lips.

What's the best mascara? ›

The 20 Best Mascaras for Lift, Curl, Length, and Volume
  • Kevyn Aucoin The Volume Mascara. ...
  • Maybelline Lash Sensational Sky High Tinted Primer. ...
  • Victoria Beckham Beauty Vast Lash Mascara. ...
  • KVD Beauty Full Sleeve Long + Defined Tubing Mascara. ...
  • Pat McGrath Dark Star Mascara. ...
  • Benefit Cosmetics Fan Fest Fanning & Volumizing Mascara.
Mar 18, 2024

Is it OK to remove makeup with just water? ›

Absolutely! You can always turn to plain water to remove your makeup (including your eye makeup). It'll take longer, and you might not get as smooth and clean of a finish if you don't use some kind of oil or cleanser, but it will come off. Simply use a washcloth or cotton round and wet it with warm water.

Does makeup expire after 2 years? ›

Cream, powder, or liquid foundation has a long shelf life of about two years. For liquid formulas, Koestline says that if it starts to separate is when you need to toss it. Koestline says eyeshadow that contains any water should only be used for a year since you're using it close to the eye area.

Can expired makeup cause infection? ›

The bacterium builds up over time and can cause harm to a person's skin, eyes, lips and overall health," says Duh. "When makeup gets old, it starts to break down, and this can cause issues from irritation and inflammation to rashes, blisters, eye infections and pink eye."

How long is makeup good for if unopened? ›

In general, most makeup can last one to three years unopened (when stored in a cool, dry place, ideally) and then between a few months and a couple of years after opening. Preservatives do break down over time, even before a product has been officially opened and even in the best clean beauty brands.

What does expired makeup look like? ›

The texture and consistency of the product may also change depending on the formula; watch out for clumpiness, drying out or separation when applying. Each beauty product may have different signs of expiration. For example, expired mascara will start to dry out and the formula won't apply properly.

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