Hair Removal Device Review and Comparison (2024)

If you’ve been up late at night, you might have seen infomercials for the no!no! hair removal device. Its promise is to remove body hair with ease and deliver total satisfaction. In fact, it makes some rather impressive claims that could have a consumer thinking it’s the solution they’ve been waiting for.

But what if The Silk’n Infinity hair removal device offered treatments more suited to your lifestyle and hair removal goals? This state-of-the-art device is FDA approved and clinically proven to permanently reduce body and facial hair after completing a full treatment.

The debate over which at-home hair removal device is better has been raging for some time. The best way to decide is to perform a side-by-side comparison of price, technologies, treatment duration, results and user reviews.

Let’s start by creating a checklist of the features and benefits you should look for in a device. Next, we’ll take a deep dive into each of the no!no! and the Infinity to help you better understand how they work and reveal any shortcomings.

How to Review At-home Devices

Millions of people have flocked to at-home hair removal devices as an affordable alternative to professional laser hair removal treatments.

Here is a checklist you should use to weigh the value of each device. The one that checks the most boxes most likely will be the one for you. We recommend tailoring this list to your needs. For instance, if budget isn’t a concern than remove it from the list.

  • Is the device safe & FDA approved?
  • Does it fit my budget?
  • Do I understand how to use it?
  • Are user reviews generally positive?
  • Is the technology proven to work?
  • Is it better than my current method?
  • Can I commit to a regular treatment session?
  • Can I commit to a complete treatment plan?
  • Am I willing to commit to a post-treatment maintenance plan?
  • Is my skin tone and type susceptible to treatment?
  • Do I have any skin sensitivities that could hinder the device’s effectiveness?

You need to decide how important an unchecked box is to you. In some cases, it could tip the scales toward one device.

Comparing Hair Removal Technologies

These home hair removal devices rely on different technologies to target and attack unwanted hair. On the surface, the technological difference can be boiled down to the no!no! using heat whereas the infinity uses a heat generated from light energy.

But it’s a bit more complicated than that.

The Infinity marries two modern technologies, Home Pulsed Light (HPL) and galvanic energy, to provide the most thorough treatment available on the at-home market. HPL safely and effectively emits a steady pulse of optical light energy directly into the skin. This light energy is attracted to and absorbed by pigment in the hair shaft. It is then transformed into heat, which kills the hair. The result is two-fold: the hair is removed and surrounding skin is unscathed.

The addition of galvanic energy makes the Infinity an improvement on existing Silk’n devices that were already considered best in class, and further separates it from the at-home pack. Galvanic energy produces professional results without pricy salon appointments. It works by emitting a low-level current that opens pores, allowing treatment to be administered deeper into skin, leaving the surface smooth and supple.

Make no mistake, it is galvanic energy and its ability to enlarge pores that propels the Infinity to the next level, creating a more potent treatment that won’t bend to the will of stubborn hair. This device will destroy unwanted body and facial hair that you believed would be present forever.

The no!no! uses a technology called Thermicon that leverages thermal transference. As a user moves the device across their skin, it releases a low heat that claims to remove stubble then travels down the follicle to remove the hair and prevent growth.

Thermicon technology also promises to crystallize the follicle. This means it will cut off the follicle from its blood supply, resulting in the follicle dying. This has been debated as some users and testers believe it singes hair without crystallizing it.

One positive is that skin tone doesn’t dictate effectiveness, and it is safe to use on various hair colors. Procedures are pain-free, quick and don’t create a mess like hot wax or depilatory creams. Of course, being safe doesn’t mean much if it doesn’t work.

Hair Removal Device Review and Comparison (1)

How Do Hair Removal Treatments Differ?

The Silk’n Infinity requires 8 treatments that breakdown as follows:

  • Treatments 1-4 should be performed two weeks apart.
  • Treatments 5-7 should be performed four weeks apart.
  • Treatments 8 and beyond are considered maintenance and should be performed until you are happy with the results.

Essentially, you’re signing up for a hair removal regimen that was developed based on the human hair growth cycle and takes at least two months. This would be the same approximate time frame as professional laser hair removal treatments.

Per the no!no! website, treatments can be conducted on any body part except the breasts and genitals. As far as treatment duration, the no!no! states, “Hair does not grow in the same place at the same time, no!no! takes time and patience and will be different for each person.”

While this statement seems to have walked back from earlier claims about the product’s quick results, however they are correct to suggest that longer and/or coarser hair takes longer to remove regardless of method, and that everyone’s hair has different growth cycles so it’s true that it’s difficult to say how long any hair removal device will take to work.

This home hair removal device requires that you use it 2-3 times a week for the first few months. Once a full program is complete, it is recommended to start an ongoing maintenance regimen. Directions are unclear as to whether you need to begin treatment during a specific point of hair’s growth cycle.

Hair Removal Device Review and Comparison (2)

What do Users Think?

These two devices differ in many ways but none more pronounced than consumer experience and reviews.

It’s worth pointing out that reviews only represent the opinion of the post, but collectively, they can form a telling consensus.

Infinity Hair Removal Device Reviews

Reviews for the Infinity can be found by visiting the product page, scrolling to the bottom and clicking on the “Reviews” tab, or by clicking the number of reviews in the product description at the top of the page.

At the time of writing this article, 34 of the 56 reviews had awarded it five stars. Many proclaimed that they “loved the product” and one even mentioned, “Goodbye to Unwanted Hair”. The majority felt the device offered quick and successful treatments and that the Infinity delivered as promised.

nono Hair Removal Device Reviews

Looking at user reviews on Amazon some describe the home hair removal device as “disappointing” or “horrible” or warn people “not to waste their money”. At the time of writing this article, 9 of the 36 reviews on Amazon awarded it five stars. The general consensus seems to indicate that results are mixed with this device.

But don’t take our word for it, read the reviews for each device and draw your own conclusions.

At Home Hair Removal Cost Comparison

One of the benefits of home hair removal is that it should cost significantly less than professional treatments at a spa, salon or clinic. For both devices, you only pay a one-time fee. Besides investing in supplementary items like moisturizers, there is nothing else for you to purchase.

The Silk’n Infinity costs $399.00 and there is an interest-free payment option where you can make four installments of $99.75. Silk’n provides free shipping and there’s an exclusive double warranty—covering two years if purchased from— as well as a money back guarantee that ensures that if you’re not completely satisfied, you’ll get your money back (provided you’re following directions and using the device as intended).

The no!no! costs $249.95 and shipping is free. They also offer a 30-day product trial that costs only $14.95. Once the 30 days are over, you can make three payments of $83.33. Device is available in pink, blue or platinum.

All prices are in USD.

Discover More About Silk’n Hair Removal

The Infinity is the best hair removal solution on the market today. With other devices, you aren’t sure what the results will be and if your patience will be rewarded. With the Infinity, results are certain - unwanted hair will be removed from target areas within 8-14 weeks, provided the device is used as directed.

We hope this information has helped you move closer to being able to make an informed decision. The best advice we can provide is to make sure you do your research and decide what’s best based on your needs, budget and lifestyle.

Browse our full product line. If you are looking to expand your knowledge, then visit our Hair Removal Resource Center for more information.

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Hair Removal Device Review and Comparison (2024)


Do hair removal devices really work? ›

According to the Cleveland Clinic, these IPL and other devices do work to remove unwanted hair, but it often takes many sessions, and the results are rarely permanent. IPL devices are generally safe, and they have been approved by the FDA for hair removal.

How do I choose a hair removal device? ›

Variable settings to work on different skin tones and body parts: You should choose a device that works on your skin and hair tone. It should allow you to adjust energy levels depending upon the type of skin you have and also the body area that you are treating.

What hair removal do Kardashians use? ›

The Kardashian-Approved Laser Treatments

Kim often does her treatments late at night and is believed to use at-home laser devices. Khloe and Kylie, on the other hand, visit Sev Laser for Candela GentleMax Pro treatments.

Which is better, laser or IPL? ›

While both technologies have their advantages, laser hair removal is faster, more precise and can cater to darker skin tones while delivering permanent hair reduction. IPL and laser technology are also both available for safe, self-administered home use on the face, arms, legs, bikini line, chest and hands.

What is the best hair removal method? ›

Laser slows the rate of hair regrowth making it a popular method for long term hair removal. Another popular method is IPL. Both laser and IPL can be effective solutions for removing hair long term but there are differences between the two. Pros: In the long-term hair growth is being slowed down.

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An epilator is an electrical device used to remove hair by mechanically grasping multiple hairs simultaneously and pulling them out.

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The Best Laser Hair Removal Machine: Candela Gentle Max Pro

The Candela Gentle Max Pro is a professional laser hair removal machine that uses a dual wavelength system of alexandrite and Nd:YAG lasers to treat all skin types and hair colors.

What is the difference between IPL and laser hair removal devices? ›

The difference between Laser and IPL hair removal

The key difference between laser and IPL is the type of light used. IPL is a broadband pulsed light source, whereas laser is a monochromatic coherent light source. Both methods target the melanin in the hair follicle and deliver permanent results.

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What are the four main disadvantages of using Nair?
  • Not suitable for brows, nose, or ears.
  • Contains strong chemicals that can potentially injure your skin.
  • Results are short-lived compared to waxing.
  • Causes your skin to become sensitive to the sun.

What is the difference between an epilator and hair remover? ›

And though the words are similar, the difference between them is huge. During depilation, only the part of the hair above the skin is removed, while epilators remove hair with roots and follicles themselves. One of the most commonly used depilatory devices is a regular razor.

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The Flasher 2.0

It uses 10 minute treatment windows to get rid of hair overtime, with a built-in UV-filtered lens to keep your skin protected, and 600,000 flashes available straight out of the box. Customer review: "I've been using the Flasher 2.0 for eight weeks now, and the hair on my legs is almost completely gone!

Are at home hair removal devices worth it? ›

At-home laser hair removal is a viable option for unwanted hair maintenance, but it's not always effective and doesn't guarantee long-lasting results. If you want a laser treatment, you should only trust the professionals who can provide safer and more effective hair removal results.

What is the newest hair removal technology? ›

The state-of-the-art DiolazeXL laser is a safe, effective solution that gets to the root of unwanted hair. Most patients notice a significant reduction in hair growth after a few sessions. With a series of treatments, DiolazeXL achieves long-lasting results which are permanent in many cases.

What is the most effective body hair removal method? ›

Hair Removal For Specific Body Parts
  • 1 - Shaving. Shaving is a good idea for people with lesser hair growth on their faces. ...
  • 2 - Waxing. For long-lasting results, waxing is the way to go. ...
  • 3 - Threading. ...
  • 4 - For Underarms. ...
  • 5 - Shaving. ...
  • 7 - For Arms, Legs, and Torso.

What is the most effective method of hair removal? ›

Electrolysis. This method sends an electrical current through a hair follicle, which will damage the follicle and prevent hair from growing. Because hair grows in cycles, it takes several sessions to get permanent hair removal. You'll also find kits that allow you to perform electrolysis at home.

What is the most effective permanent hair removal? ›

"This can be a time-consuming procedure as each follicle is treated individually, but electrolysis is particularly effective on individual grey hairs." The Food and Drug Administration considers electrolysis a permanent hair removal method because it has the best overall results.

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Research has shown that IPL devices are safe and effective at reducing hair growth over time, can produce more effective hair removal and are less painful than hot waxing.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.